Lily Baldwin



...for your skimming intrigue.


➤ You’re more than you realize & You’re not as important as you think you are.
➤ Obstacles are opportunities. Mistakes are redirections.(If you fall onstage pretend you meant to and make it a new move). 
➤ Kindness first.
➤Glitches (perceived mistakes) are doors to the forgotten or unseen (subconscious).
➤ Kinesthetic knowing (I believe in invisibles).
➤ What happens before and after “the big thing” is far more meaty (check out anatomical terms “Fascia” & “Interstitium”).   
➤ Play is the way in.
➤ Keep finding new ways to debunk linear time.
➤ How not what.
➤ Stories that help us re-know what we thought we knew.
➤ Yes to unabashed honesty.
➤ Awkwardness is cool.
➤ Ecstasy is nearby and might not be recognized.
➤ Youth can be overrated. Elders are badass.
➤ Fear, pain and the parts of ourselves that we think of as “broken” are tools.
➤ (Seeming) opposites are two sides of the same.
➤ We’re each vibrational signatures: Our thoughts, words and actions are magnets. Therefore the freedom and responsibility are pretty epic.
➤ Live the questions (hell yes to mystery and not knowing what everything means).
➤ Disorientation is an asset. Turn the unknown into an ally. (The clincher is helping audience trust it so they don’t write the story off). 
➤ Things like: reflective surfaces. collage. kaleidoscopic plot lines. entropy. asymmetry. stillness. burnt edges. unexpected expressions of pleasure. partially visible. paradox. shades of grey. datedness.
➤ Bodies are mysterious, fiercely intelligent beyond comprehension and always changing.
➤ Which trance are you choosing?